Rooting inclusion & diversity in our workforce.

This month I want to shout out about two incredible organizations that we work with. Journey’s End helps refugees make Buffalo their new home, and Community Services for Every1, who partner with individuals of all abilities to reach their fullest potential.

Journey’s End greets their refugee clients at the airport. Among the huge array of services they provide, employment is where we kick in. Top Seedz employs refugees from over 15 different countries, and we love the cultural diversity this provides. Let’s just say, lunch times are exciting!

Community Services for Every1 are amazing. Three times a week a lively crew comes in and builds our boxes. This vocational training helps promote their independence and feeling of self-worth and we love to see them involved in our business.

Both organizations make a real impact on our community and what a privilege it is to be part of it.

Thank you - Rebecca

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The Top Seedz

Top Seedz firmly believes that when we eat healthy, we can create positive change within ourselves and in the world

Seed Energy is Good Energy.