A Global Feast of Family, Flavor, & Festivities

Kia Ora!

'Tis the season for joy, laughter, and the undeniable power of food to bring families together. As lights twinkle and carols fill the air, different corners of the world celebrate the festive season with unique traditions that revolve around the warmth of family and the deliciousness of shared meals.

New Zealand – BBQ Bliss: In the Land of the Long White Cloud, Christmas isn't about snowflakes but sizzling grills (after all, it’s summer)! Families pull Xmas crackers, tell terrible jokes, and don festive Christmas hats.

Japan – KFC & Chocolate Log Tango: Meanwhile, in Japan, they've thrown a curveball into the Christmas feast – KFC and chocolate logs! Yup, fried chicken and chocolate unite for a finger-lickin' good and sweet-tooth approved meal.

Christmas High Tea at Raffles Hotel: On the fancier side, I remember enjoying an elegant moment in one of the most beautiful and famous hotels. With handcrafted pastries, sweets, and tea, the thought of this place brings back joyous memories.

United States – A Melting Pot of Holiday Traditions: In the cultural melting pot of the United States, holiday traditions vary from state to state. From the Italian Feast of the Seven Fishes to Mexican tamales, the American holiday table is a testament to the diversity of its people.

Embracing Hanukkah and Kwanzaa: Let's not forget the beautiful celebrations of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. The lighting of the menorah and the kinara, the exchange of meaningful gifts, and the delicious traditional foods add even more richness to the global tapestry of festive celebrations.

Our Culinary Code – Share the Love: A good meal isn't just about what's on the plate; it's about the laughter and connections it creates. So, pass the plate, share the love, and let the good times roll!

Wishing everyone a joyous and flavorful holiday season! 🌟🍽️

Your Friend, 


The Top Seedz

Top Seedz firmly believes that when we eat healthy, we can create positive change within ourselves and in the world

Seed Energy is Good Energy.