Happy New Year

Hello 2023, and where did you go 2022? Last year went by in a flash, and now with a whole new year here, I’m ready for a fresh start and a new set of goals. New Year’s goals tend to center around fitness goals, and those are important, but let’s not forget about setting goals that are also beneficial to our emotional health and well-being. 

If you have kids, let me assure you that being a parent makes the time go by even quicker. With one child at university and another going soon, I’ve realized if I don’t make plans and goals for quality time with my family, the precious times we share together could have been and will be missed. It’s easy to get wrapped up in things like work (especially when it’s your own business!), but what I’ve learned is that it’s all about balance. 

My New Year’s gift to you is to motivate you to kick off 2023 right! Aim for little changes to ease yourself into new habits. It’s all about your mindset—don’t focus on what you can’t have, focus on what you need more of. Here are some thought starters: move more and sit less; enjoy more family time and less phone time; eat better and snack less; call friends more vs. text; budget better and spend less; enjoy more time outside and less inside. Whatever your goals are, remember you can do anything you set your mind to. And don’t forget to treat yourself every now and then for putting in the work toward your goals—I find a little chocolate and wine always do a body and mind good.

Cheers to happy and healthy 2023!

The Top Seedz

Top Seedz firmly believes that when we eat healthy, we can create positive change within ourselves and in the world

Seed Energy is Good Energy.